Website Overview

Website Sales.

Website Overview

In this day and age, can you believe there are still over 25% of businesses that don’t have websites?

Around 80% of people research a business or service on the internet prior to making a purchase decision, and roughly 40% of the business owners who don’t have websites are quoted as saying “my business doesn’t currently need one”. This looks like a pretty big disconnect, wouldn’t you say?

The interest in having a website isn’t strictly for finding new clients, but it’s also for adding credibility to the consumers or customers already in the pipeline. Over 50% of people say they wouldn’t trust a business without a website, and having a website that looks good and functions even better will go a long way in making the ever important ‘first impression’.

Some of the main benefits a website has are

  • 24/7 online presence – it’s working for you while you sleep
  • It highlights products and services
  • Gives all of your best contact information
  • Is a channel for potentially selling goods
  • People from across the country or world can find you
  • Can hone in on who your typical customer is through analytics
  • And, most importantly, can dramatically increase the number of new customers for the business

In the next video, we’re going to go over the tiered pricing model

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