Pay Structure Websites

Website Sales.

Pay Structure

Welcome back. Based on our interview you’ve been specifically chosen to sell websites. Don’t worry, we’ll get to the what and how soon, but for now, let’s talk cash!

As I mentioned in the last video, you have 2 options. Full commission each sale, or part commission with recurring revenue.

For websites, the sticker prices range from $1997 to over $10,000!

With option 1, you would be getting 50% commission, paid out bi-weekly

With option 2, you would be getting 35% commission, paid out bi-weekly. You would also get 7% of the profits from any other product this customer buys from Summit Digital Media while you’re a salesperson with us. This can range from monthly hosting, SEO and even promotional products. Recurring is paid out monthly.

These numbers should get you fired up!

In the next video, we’ll talk about the goals we have for the position you’re in

**All commissions will be paid out through Wise, click here to create an account if you don’t already have one

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